Sunday 30 October 2011

from 'ROSEANNEARCHY' by Roseanne Barr

Chapter 28
The Real Big Super-duper Perverse Reverse Secret

Like most thinking women who have ever lived on this planet, I have been asked repeatedly, "Why are you so angry?" The question is often posed by drunk, drugged women, and it is always asked accusatorially, as if there is- honest to God- no reason to be angry. It pisses me off and tempts me to scream back,"Why aren't you more angry?" Am I the only one who sees that the world is turning to shit, and that most people are unaware of the constant game of smoke and mirrors that is in play to keep us from realizing what is really going on?

I watch in amazement as the completely restorative power of anger is being demonized in America by those would-be mind controllers who are employed in religious organizations, pharmaceutical industries, the psychiatric association, government, and the advertising industry and all the media it spawns. To me, this is the conspiracy to end all conspiracies, a crying shame of epic proportions. Only the Evil One could have thought of this!

Imagine for a moment that you are the Evil One, old Beelzebub himself. First of all, you are all about the nasty, the vile, and the wrong. Your goal is to persuade as many thinkers as you can to ignore their own rational self-interest and act on your orders. You must cloud their minds, and make them think that they themselves came up with the ideas that ultimately defeat and destroy them. You want to persuade as many thinkers as you can that everything is okay, and for those who do not buy that, and think they can make a difference, you must convince them instead that no matter how much they try to create change, they will not succeed. Your stealthy servants serve up Hope to the Hopeless, in order to disarm them, because you know that the hopeless could become your greatest enemy. Those with nothing to lose are the potential soldiers for Truth.

You know that the racket you are running, if exposed, will go down fast, as all Ponzi schemes always do. You business is persuasion! You know how to use law against law. Using religion, you have leveraged God against Humanity! That is how smart you are! You have given us complacency and named it Faith! By remaking anger into something that must be numbed and turned away from, your minions, the zombies and ghouls who do your bidding, have rendered the common citizen helplessly paralyzed.

Score one for Big Devil Daddy! The Dark Lord grinds His chops, growing stronger each time a thinker is confounded, each time fact is disregarded. Hoping to render more unquestioning slaves to do the bidding of His minions, who run the banks, governments, diet franchises, and pharmaceutical companies, He seeks to replace public anger at injustice with capitulation or apathy. These methods are His most effective tools against insurrection and overthrow. He knows that anger and hatred are the most transcendental of all human emotions, and that they move mountains.

He isn't all that impressed by the everyday evil doings of the everyday evil soul; He knows He will always have them under His craven hoof. But for The Evil One, the critical thinker is like white meat at Thanksgiving. One of those is worth ten thousand of the useful idiots who hang around in Las Vegas and at gun conventions.

Unfortunately, here in Hell, where everything is a mirrored reflection, a perverse reverse, where perception is reality, in order for us to finally turn this torment, doubt, fear, and false hope- this damnation- around, we must 1) admit that we are all, in fact, living in Hell when we demonically ignore the suffering of the helpless who are at the bottom; and 2) acknowledge that we have created and sustained the power of Evil by not getting angry enough at it or by not hating it enough.

The ones who are happy and satisfied here in Hell, are the ones who keep everything awful in place. Silence is indeed eternal, suspended death, the ego run amok.

Keep getting pissed off, even though all those around you may be drugged on antidepressants and drunk on the false power of positive thinking. If you get pissed off enough, you will get off your ass and change things. You will find your depression begins to lift, and your craving for Justice and what is Right restoring every cell of your being. That is what the ONE GOOD GOD wants us all to know! She is our combined just and righteous anger, and nothing less than the restorative power of critical truth. God is the will of the people united on behalf of Good.

Next time a Satanist asks you why are you so angry, answer thusly: "Because God, the author of all critical thought, requires me to be so, you fucking moron!"